In June 21, the Dynamic team built up a complete Cuttings Re Injection system for Zone 2 offshore use. All mechanical, electrical, automation, programming and welding have been done in Dynamics facilities in Tananger. The unit has an intelligent and used friendly EX computer. The whole system is automated, and the operator can also remote start and operate the unit via HTLM based link and are let access to control set up themselves.

The main structure of the units delivered at Sandnes Harbor for ship transportation to the rigsite. The system of the three units is connected and stairs, shaker, aluminium walls an roof mounted. The tank capacity is 75bbls each tank with 2 x 9” impeller on course tank and 2 x 11” impellers on fines tank. Both coated with tungsten carbide. On the fines tank there is an advanced sample station with Coreolis mass and viscosimeter. This allows automatic samples prior to export of the classifies slurry.
The CRI system let the Operator company re inject all drilling slop and slurry instead of sending the drilling waste to shore for further treatment and disposal.
Fines tank on the truck at our workshop with main EX cabinet and controls mounted for easier hook up at yard.
CRI unit complete assembled in our workshop at the testing phase. Robust custom-made staircase and walls in corrected aluminium to give proper weather and wind protection and safe access. The roof has built in internal HVAC system to vent the pneumatic inlet exhaust and vapor from shaker during operation. The ventilation system starts when the function of the unit is started. LED lights are also pre-fitted in the roof sections. Each main pump has its own start panel and is design to run on multi voltage 440v/690v.
EX control panel. The panel can be placed away from the unit to improve the operators working environment by not being exposed to noise and vibration. Coffee breaks and lunch can also be conducted without compromising the drilling operation. One person can have full control of the level and content of the slurry unit. The unit has a built-in soft start which start the electrical motors timely to avoid any power peaks during start up. The HMI has 3 main modes, Slurrification – Transfer and Export. In each mode all valves and components are lined up and started as required from each mode. Filling of the tanks with seawater or slop can be automated with pre set limits. When samples are required for weight and viscosity of the finished slurry, this is an own loop via the Corelois to prevent slurry being always pumped via the Coreolis. When the sample is ready the loop is closed again. All the above-mentioned modes can be over rided if wanted and each component of the system can the started or stopped. The HMI will then go over in “manual mode” and back in auto once one of the three on screen modes are pressed again. The set up of the unit and speed of actuators, level sensors and feedback can be set as required for the job.
All system components are grey when stopped and green while running.